Coaches Signin

Directions to report game results

Sign in using the user name and password you set up when you registered as a coach. After signing in, you’ll go to the Schedules & Scores page. Find your game. Click on the GAME NUMBER. This will take you to an EDIT GAME page. Report the scores and pitching information. Also, add highlights of the game (but don’t use full names). You may rate and comment on the umpires. This is for internal purposes only. Be sure to click Submit at the bottom of the page. The site will update automatically.

Winning Team Must Report by 12 PM the following day

Abuse of Game Reporting

Note: all actions are tracked at the user level and a historical record is maintained. Misuse of this form will result in a year-long suspension. If there’s a dispute, see sidebar at right.

Login Problems?

If you forgot your password, click on the “Retrieve Lost Password” link directly below the Log In button above.

If you land on a page that asks for your password again, and you’re pretty sure you typed in the correct one, wait. At super high traffic times, the database may not have processed your request. If you try again, it likely will work.

If you forgot your user name and password, email LSFBL Admin with the email address you signed in with. This may take up to 24 hours to reset your password. If you don’t know your user name, password or the email you signed in with, ask the other coach to report the score.

Results in Question?

If there’s a question about a game’s result, do not use the Game Reporting form to resolve it. Misuse of this form will result in a year-long suspension.

If there’s a dispute about game results, please do the following:

1. Contact your community’s league representative who will contact the other team’s league rep to resolve the issue. Most disputes should be resolved in this manner.

2. If the league representatives cannot reach a conclusion, then your league representative should contact the Rules Committee.

3. Individual coaches should not contact the league to resolve game issues. That’s the role of your rep.

Per LSFBL rules, no protest will be considered except in post-season play.